Yinka, Where is your Huzband?

Lizzie Damilola Blackburn
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This is a warm hearted and moving romance about an Oxford educated British Nigerian woman in her 30s who seems to have the ideal life: a well paying career, great friends, independence. The only snag; her traditional mother and aunties constantly ask her"Yinka, Where is your huzband?" Her situation is apparently so desperate that her aumies have brgun praying for her to be delivered from singledom. Yinka, however prefer to wait for love to find her but as her cousin's wedding approaches, she decides there's no time like the present to meet her knight in shining armor. With the help of a spreedsheet and her loyal best friend, Yinka sets out to find what her mom and aunties want most; her future husband.

Yinka, Where is your Huzband?

Lizzie Damilola Blackburn